Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Investigatory Project Homemade Bouncy Polymer Essays
Investigatory Project Homemade Bouncy Polymer Essays Investigatory Project Homemade Bouncy Polymer Paper Investigatory Project Homemade Bouncy Polymer Paper after being release at a starting position of 77 cm. Polymer 3, 4 and 5 did not bounce at all. LENGTH OF STRETCH The 5 Polymers were pulled to test its ability to be stretched. The following figures were recorded: Trials Polymer 1 30 54 59 35 40 43. 6 Polymer 2 46 36 34 29 29 34. Polymer 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polymer 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polymer 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Average Standard 11. 11 6. 24 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 Deviation Table 4. 5 Comparison of the Length of Stretch of the Polymers 25 45 40 Distance (in cm. ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 Polymer 4 5 Graph 4. 5 Comparison of the Length of Stretch of the Polymers Polymer 1 has an average stretch distance of 43. 6 cm before it breaks. Polymer 2 broke at an average stretch distance of 34. 8 cm. Polymer 3, 4 and 5 was not possible to be stretch. DISTANCE OF ROLL In a 45Â ° inclined plane, each Polymer was allowed to roll.The following data were collected: Trials Polymer 1 84 46 119 58 117 84. 8 Polymer 2 26 36 40 38 43 36. 6 Polymer 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polymer 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polymer 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Average Standard 29. 77 5. 78 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 Deviation Table 4. 6 Comparison of the Distance of Stretch of the Polymers 26 90 80 Distance (in cm. ) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 Polymer 4 5 Graph 4. 6 Comparison of the Distance of Stretch of the Polymers Polymer 1 traveled an average roll distance of 84. 8 cm while Polymer 2 had an average roll distance of 36. 6. Polymer 3, 4 and 5 did not roll at all.OBSERVABLE CHARACTERISTICS Polymer 1 2 3 4 5 Characteristics White in color, rubbery, easy to mold into a ball, smooth, soft White in color, rubbery, easy to mold into a ball but it is also easily can loose its shape, smooth, soft White in color, slimy, not too easy to mole into a ball White in color, some small formation of ‘gooey’ substance can be observe White in color, watery Table 4. 7 Observable Characteristics of the Polymers 27 COST ANALYSIS The follow ing were the cost made in this project study. Total Amount Cost per unit Units used Expenses for the setup 30 P 11. 7 10 10 0 5 P 0. 42 0. 93 0. 00 14. 71 27. 82 5 5. 56 Material Glue Borax Corn starch Water Zip-lock baggie Cost 130 P 51. 00 P 0. 39 1000 200 360 30 42. 00 18. 50 0. 00 88. 25 0. 04 0. 09 0. 00 2. 94 Total expenses Polymer products Cost per Polymer product P Table 4. 8 Cost Analysis of the Research Project The amount of each material was divided by the cost of the material to get the cost per unit. Then the cost per unit was multiplied to the amount of units used to enable the researchers to get the expenses based on the setup of the project study.The total cost of the five (5) polymer products amounted to P27. 82. The cost of each polymer product was P 5. 56. 28 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Based on the observation, homemade bouncy polymer can be created by mixing Borax dissolved in water, glue diluted in water an d cornstarch. The characteristics of the polymer depend on the amount or ratio of the solution. The more glue solution is added the more elastic the polymer is while the more Borax solution is added the more watery it is. All the Polymers weighted the same, 40 grams.Polymer 1 has the highest volume with 90 ml. Polymer 5 has the highest density with 0. 53 g/ml. Polymer 1 has an average bounce/return height of 6. 4 cm; an average stretch distance of 43. 6 cm; and, an average roll distance of 84. 8 cm. Polymer 2 has an average bounce/return height of 5. 0 cm; an average stretch distance of 34. 8 cm; and, average roll distance of 36. 6. Polymer 3, 4 and 5 did not bounce at all; was not possible to be stretch; and, did not roll at all. The total cost of the five (5) polymer products amounted to P27. 82. The cost of each polymer product was P 5. 56.CONCLUSION Based on the results and findings of the project study, the following conclusions were obtained: 1. It is possible to make a homema de bouncy polymer using PVA glue and cornstarch with the addition of Borax dissolved in water. 29 2. Polymer 1 with the ratio of 1:5:1 (Borax solution:glue solution:cornstarch) produced the best homemade bouncy polymer. It has the highest average bounce/return, highest average stretch distance and highest average roll distance. 3. Varying ratio of the ingredients, Borax solution and glue solution, affect the physical characteristics of the homemade bouncy polymer.Using less borax will produce a goopier type of ball while adding more glue for a slimier ball. RECOMMENDATIONS Making a homemade bouncy polymer produced a positive result. With this basis, the researchers recommend the adaptation of this homemade bouncy polymer on the teaching-learning process which can be used by both teachers and students specifically in representing chemical reactions in Chemistry and demonstration of some laws in Physics. To further improve the project study, the researcher would also like to recommend the following: 1. Experiment with the ratio between the amounts of glue, cornstarch, and borax; 2.Experiment on the floor where the homemade bouncy polymer will bounce the highest, on a wood, on a glass or on a concrete floor; 3. Experiment if temperature will affect the characteristics of the homemade bouncy polymer; 4. Experiment if the size will affect the height of bounce/return, length of stretch and distance of roll; and, 30 5. Experiment if the homemade polymer can be used as an alternative on some rubber products. Moreover, other investigators are encouraged similar project to improve the quality and provide homemade bouncy polymer.
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