Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Persuasive Essay - Persuasive Rough Draft - 1555 Words
Persuasive Rough Draft Essay In recent discussions of trigger warnings-â€Å"alerts that professors are expected to issue if something in a course might cause a strong emotional response†, is a controversial issue that has been whether trigger warnings at colleges/universities should be issued to students who wish to be alerted on unappealing subjects or to not have trigger warnings from being practiced in American Universities. On the other hand, some argue that trigger warnings are necessary to keep students from emotional outbreaks in schoolrooms; however, others argue that trigger warnings are not useful and simply prevent students from acknowledging a true understanding of reality. My own view is that trigger warnings are not necessary to be practiced in American Universities, considering how this warning prevents students from developing their intellectual essentials. Trigger warnings do not encourage or nurture intellectual discussions in college classrooms and in reality prevent the student from g aining the necessary knowledge and critical thinking he/she will need to succeed academically in a workplace. Trigger warning at American Universities do not encourage students to participate in intellectual discussion, therefore stopping the professors from teaching vital information. A student who is sensitive to ideas, notions, and discussions will enter a college class that will prevent them from obtaining necessary knowledge. 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